Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Anzac day long weekend

Apart from shopping for a pair of shorts on Saturday and coming in to uni on Sunday and Monday to work - a PhD is never done - the only stuff I did was some scanning of my mothers old documents on the weekend.
Appropriately I found a picture of my great uncle Arthur in WW2 uniform - he survived. Of more interest was the photocopy of an original letter sent by my great uncle Victor to his mother (my great grandmother) at the end of WW2 from Singapore. He had been a POW and talked about building a railway line in thailand and Burma and being in Changi. Also about who had died there that his mother would have known and about what Singapore was like after being freed. I'll have to figure out how to attach it to this site. Lastly I found postcards from my great-great uncle William who went to Canada, enlisted for the great war from there and died in France. I think he's buried at the Somme - but I'd have to look that up.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

my head, my aching head

I've had splitting eyestrain induced headaches and shoulder and back aches on and off for almost a week, held at bay only by wearing my glasses constantly and sleeping...and one night even that didn't help - with an early morning wakeup followed by vomitting. On Friday I had a massage and was told I was completely locked up. I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel this week with conciencious glasses wearing and I decided to ride to work today...and left them at home in my purse. This wouldn't be too disastrous if I had lab work to do today, but all I have to do till 12:45pm is writing on the computer and reading - sigh - and I'm not riding home to get them. I might set my timer to ten minutes and do infinite distance staring every 10 minutes to change focus. How I suffer for my PhD.

Monday, April 18, 2005

googling et al

Thanks to Marco's gratuitous addition of links to this page on all the blogs he's commented on, googling "Jenny's Procrasrination page" now pops up Otherblog as the first hit...with the ability to then find my page. Strangely enough, lexifab didn't come up (on the first page of hits anyway).

Anyhoo, I now feel obliged to write my blog more often than once every two or three weeks. I'm writing now while I wait for the bacticinerator to heat up. Guess what that does :)

On the weekend I went with my mother to a cooking demonstration on preparing low GI meals - which is useful for diabetics as my mother is - and I came to the conclusion that if I don't lose 10kg I gained over the last year and keep it off, I'll probably end up diabetic myself. So I had fish and chips for lunch today. I think my subconcious goes "quick, she's about to cut back on the junk, lets get one last feed in".

Must go, bacticinerator awaits.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


I had a depressing talk with my supervisor yesterday. We were trying to see how much more I needed to do on my PhD by seeing how many papers I could write from it as an estimate of whether an examiner would pass it. The problem is, all of the "lets find something new" aspects of my work have given me lots of information - but nothing new. So I have lots to write up, but nothing to really write a good paper on. My paid research work however has a world first paper I have to write up - shame it doesn't count toward the PhD. I'm going to try two more things now, once again, if nothing else they'll give me more to write up - hopefully they'll work well enough though to be the breakthrough.
On an up note I've filed away the just over a foot of papers I had piled up for chapter 5 - so my office is cleaner looking. I've finished the referencing. Now I have to rewrite so someone other than myself can follow the logic of it all. :) . This chapter will be shorter than the last (at about 7000 words instead of 10000) and I may send a copy to Chris to look at. If I'm really good I'll burn him a copy of both of the research chapters I've written.