Monday, September 27, 2010

Ah - lecture recess - a week off from students have a project proposal, chapter of a thesis and half a literature review to write (lots of) comments on, 5 sets of 30+ practicals to mark, next week's lectures to write, a grad student to teach PCR to and another to teach the use of a freeze dryer to & a new PhD students offer to babysit through the paper trail. At least I got a paper submitted last Friday. With any luck they'll wait at least a week before rejecting it.

Monday, September 20, 2010


I washed the car on it started raining Sunday night. We had 38mm by 7am. My wellingtons have once more only lasted one season. I bought a pair a couple of years ago, used them for one wet season, tried to use them the next and found they leaked. I bought a new pair from somewhere else, ditto and ditto. Wet feet checking on the birds this morning. My next pair will be from a workwear shop it the hopes they aren't cheap junk like the previous few. My Dads wellingtons have lasted him years.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

almost tempted to buy...

Theres a Miles Vorkosigan roleplaying game out - my favourite character by my favourite author. Perhaps I could just get it to have it.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Loads of fun...oldest attender looked like she was in her late 70's, youngest was under 6months - possibly under 3 months but I have no baby age skills. This is my favourite shot of the con. I'm wearing my "come to the dark side, we have cookies -V" shirt. Which was appropriate for the shot :)

For those of you who haven't heard yet, there was a tie for first place for the Hugo for best novel and the Foglio's sold out of their graphic novels in under 2 hours - I got one - Glee!