Thursday, May 31, 2007

not well

Everyone in the Vet and biomed science school seems to be ill. All of us (with a couple of exceptions) have different symptoms though, so we assume we are all just run down and getting whatever we are exposed to. The exception is everyone in the pod (new attachment to the building that I like to call "the hernia")is losing their voice. I'm feverish and tired and my nose is running. The tired may be due to a couple of nights of broken sleep - cat fights, waking up sweating and hot (in spite of the airconditioning) and heart pounding waking up after nightmares about being attacked by velociraptors.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

good advertising

I've got to say, this site makes me curious to go check out the book

Monday, May 28, 2007


I also went to see Pirates 3 with Dot on the weekend. There were two guys from work there (separately, with their kids). Odd how we all ended up at the same session at the same theatre. Long movie, I had to nip out 1/2 way through to use the loo. I have trained my bladder not to need to do that during normal length movies. I just about fell over the two people between me and the aisle. They were large and slouched down so that their knees touched the seat in front. No room to put my little footsies. I was expecting a slightly different end, though I could see exactly what was going to happen at a certain point and thought "What! that not how this is supposed to end!" But it was a good ending. Sit all the way through the very looonng credits to see the epilogue.

Call me Lucky Doctor Jenny

On Friday I recieved a tube in the mail. It contained my official PhD certificate. You may now all congratulate me again. Stay tuned for the last congratulations which will be when I wear my floppy hat and shake someones hand (possibly in December). I can now wear my Piled higher and deeper t-shirt. It is green and says "Doctor" on the front. The back has "of Philosophy" with a grinning graduate underneath. Everyone thinks it is funny (particularly the non-medicos in the medicine building). My most common comment has been "can you actually buy those?".

On the weekend I went scrapbooking all of Saturday and won the big lucky door prize. A cropping box filled with misc scraps, paper, card and cut outs and stickers. Probably a couple of hundred dollars worth if you add it all up. Then I won a pack of paper in the 2nd chance draw (we all had 10 tickets each :)). All in all a very good day and I got the fun of sorting through my box in the evening. I was scrap booking my Tasmania holiday (the first page has Andrea looking at the cobweb covered petrol bowser from when we ran out of gas as we rolled into the closed service station. Its funny in retrospect).

On less fun news, my planning for today has been thrown completely up in the air as I got a call this morning from my father to say he's taken my mother to emergency with severe pains in the abdomen. They are looking at her now. I'm hoping its colitis. There is some going around at the moment with exactly those symptoms. Its been 4 hours with no news as yet. I'm sure dad would call if there was a problem though.

Friday, May 25, 2007

I am a spambot

Does anyone else have trouble leaving comments on pages due to the page rejecting their interpretation of those coloured wavey letter codes? I appear not to be able to read them.

Monday, May 14, 2007

..since I'm having coffee at my computer instead of in the tea room...

I may as well get this thing up to date. I'm sitting here as the tearoom is quiet and boring at present and there are some cakes in there. I decided I needed to cut back and today I am officially dieting, so I'm staying away from temptation.
Yesterday Kris and I took our mums up to the Harveys Range heritage tea house for lunch and Kopi Luwak coffee. It was strong, smooth and very nice. It reminded me of some of the coffees I've tried up at the coffee place near Kuranda - who's name I can't recall. So now I've tried civet coffee and can strike it off my list of things to do. Onto the next
Speaking of things to do, I'm going to Britain from 24th June to 20th July. I'm spending a week in York (since everyone I know who goes there says they didn't spend enough time there)and the rest of the time my little brother has time off from work so he'll be showing me around. I'll be staying with his mother-in-law while I'm there - except for the York bit. I'm trying to get accomodation at a B&B called Bootham Guesthouse. We'll see if I left it too long to book it. If I did, it'll be back to the drawing board. I'm holidaying during the peak season.
What else have I done recently...Oh yes, I took my mother to see Hot Fuzz. I didn't realise how much swearing and violence would be in it. "Diehard meets Heartbeat" didn't give me enough clues as a description. When the church spire-y thing fell pointy end down through the head of one of the characters and his "head replaced by stone pyramid" body staggered a bit before falling, I sank in my seat a bit. She did think overall that it was funny though.

Thursday, May 03, 2007


This is cool

crossover wars!

A few weeks ago I found a comic strip on the web...that led me to other comic strips in an all out crossover festival of online comic strips. There seems to be millions of them, all interlinked in the mother of all cross-overs. Sigh. I do NOT have time for this right now. It would have been nice to find while I was procrastinating through my PhD...or not...I'd still be going at it. Here's one..and another. You can find the rest yourself. Or just look at this webcomic crossover archive

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

sleepy, still

I've been sleepy and bleary eyed for a couple of weeks now. I know I'm fighting an almost subclinical sore throat and cough (it crops up just enough to bug me and not quite enough to remind me to gargle betadine - my sure fire kill a sore throat remedy).
Timing wise however, I think the fatigue is psychological. It really started just after my thesis went in for the final time. Approved and ready for rubber stamping my PhD. I think my brain decided I no longer needed to fire on all cylinders and be stressed out, so it shut down to 1/2 capacity - and took my body with it.
I've been told I need a holiday. Well, I'm getting one, but I'd like to be awake to make some plans about it.