Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It was an angle grinding sort of day

Got up, ate breakfast, fed birds, used the angle grinder to grind off the extra concrete lumps on the new aviary base, changes angle grinder head to metal grinding and spent the rest of daylight!!! grinding down welds after dad had welded bits. It really doesn't look like we did much, just extended the entry portal to the aviary - theres sooo much more to do & I go back to work next week. I didn't even drive my new car today :( I did however play LOTRO at lunch time and after dinner - Bindy is now 3/4 of the way through lvl45. My holiday resolution of getting him to lvl50 seems a long way off.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

almost forgot

Woops, almost turned off and went to bed without blogging - my resolution almost crached and burned in three days.
today I finished shifting the budgies, did a little shopping and a lot of LOTRO. I also sorted through my old car files - I found the original receipt for the car I bought in 1995, I also shredded a lot of the paperwork. Thats it really. Perhaps there's a reason I forgot.

Monday, December 29, 2008

new car

Dad is impressed because the back seats can recline to several angles and they have an arm rest with cup holder. I'm impressed with the power of the airconditioner. That and I'm now up there with all the 4WD wagons looking down on everyone else. I also shifted a bunch of budgies and leveled Bindy to 45....oh, and I did some filing.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

both day and night, coffee with mum, 2 skirts and a new pillow bought at the 50% off sales, nanna nap in the afternoon on my new pillow, finished the mowing and played LOTRO. I also started cleaning up all the misc. paperwork in my back room and planning what to do tomorrow, apart from picking up my NEW CAR!!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

and so it continued

Today I went shopping. I bought a book, some shorts and got a watch battery replaced. Then I got some photos printed - plus some screenshots from LOTRO. They turn out nice as photos. I ate sushi for lunch. After doing some reading, I scrubbed the bath and mowed the so far yes? I'm watching howls moving castle tonight between getting bindy to forochel to look for the behemoth again. More exciting fun planned tomorrow.

Friday, December 26, 2008

The week off adventure

I've decided to note what I do each day on my week off. This way you can see how dull my breaks are if I don't go away. Let's see how long this pre-new years resolution lasts.
Since I'm starting on the 26th and technically I started my break on the 25th, I'll briefly note what happened yesterday...
Up at 6:30am, church, opened presents (opened Andreas first in the privacy of my room in case she'd sent something highly inappropriate). She hadn't. Read my new Robin McKinley book till 11:30am. Went to Brother and Sister-in-laws place for cold Christmas lunch in air-conditioned comfort, opened more presents, ate King prawns, ham, gingerbread house and ice cream cake, spent the rest of my time putting together a 3D puzzle robot for my 6yr old nephew. All went well, both kids were happy, everyone was relaxed...I didn't expect it but am putting it down to aircon. Came home, read the rest of the book in a long soaking bath full of coconut bathfizzer from the Fellowses.
Today: Got up, watched the Seeker on DVD, finished concreting the base of the aviary & moved two budgies, took my mum post christmas shopping and spent $130 on miscellaneous stuff, came home, put away stuff (including budgie breeding boxes - I'm not letting them breed over summer, it gets too hot), installed my new zippy, glowy gamers fast! Decided not to install Crysis until I do some more of the housework I need to do, avoided housework and surfed the web then typed this up...may do more cleaning and putting away now....or go try more bath stuff and reread The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper in the only cool spot around - the bathtub.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Previously on....

I've just had a week off to buy a new car. I bought (though I haven't had the finance go through yet so its not in my hot little hands) a Hyundai Tucson City. Not 4WD sadly. I like everything else about it. The 4WD version only comes in automatic v6 - boo hiss - neither of which I need or want & they cause the interest rate on the loan to go up. I also shovelled sand till I blistered and poured concrete till I threw up. Its really hot up here right now and it took longer than expected. Once you start concreting, you have to finish so we worked till 1pm, through the hottest part of a stinky hot the sun. I really didn't get all that much else done...except the gingerbread houses, made from scratch, finished last night.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


This is the sound my heart rate datalogger made after it fell off my belt at the same time I pulled the mower backwards. The Ptang noise was the sound of a logger shooting off in pieces from under the mower :(

I wasn't using this because I have a heart problem - its purely exercise. I have discovered that mowing my 1/4 acre property with a push mower actually burns more calories and keeps my heart in the cardio zone better than walking up and down Castle Hill. Now I can mow instead of going for a walk :) Of course, I also need a new datalogger. My heart rate monitor watch only gives me totals, not minute by minute logging :(

Thursday, December 04, 2008

day off

I had a day off yesterday and had a massage and lots of some supreme farming and cooking on LOTRO. I feel rather floaty and relaxed today. I'm wondering if this is how I should feel normally and I've just forgotten due to long periods of stress and overwork. Sad really. Did I used to be floaty and relaxed?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


headache, stiff neck, queezy, tired. Doesn't bode well for seeing Australia tonight