Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Goodies, goody goody yum yum

Can't write long, doing killer hours to finish PhD thesis, just had to say...The Goodies Rock!

I went to the last Goodies live on stage show in Australia last Sunday, thanks to a birthday gift voucher from Dot. It was hilarious. Graham hasn't changed at all...except for the increasing girth and lack of hair. Actually he looks quite different, but he sounds and acts the same. He alsways was my favourite Goodie. I think because he was the scientist.

They sang Wild Thing to close off and said that we could ignore the no camera bit during that and just flash away. Of course I'd left my camera at home since the ticket said no cameras to be taken into the auditorium...lawful-good alignment. An awful lot of people pulled out cameras though. Shame on them. I'm so jealous of their happy snaps :(