Tuesday, April 26, 2011

mmm holidays

Of course,
My dvd drive is dead and needs a trip into the repair man. The earthquake may have just jostled the plug from the motherboard, but there's too much metal in the way for me to see & I'd rather let someone else pull it to pieces to check that. It doesn't help that the water cooler keeps the open side attached so its not as easy to manipulate. Perhaps it should be attached to the back instead. I can't play sims right now because it needs a disk to be in the drive, or install bejewelled for mindles hours of fun. I can play LOTRO though, at least till my brother turns up. He should be here now, but the plane was late so he missed his connection. Instead of a 2 hour flight here (or less) from Brisbane, he now has a flight that goes to Canberra, then another that goes to Cairns and a third that comes back to us. Six hours - Madness!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Although perhaps tremor would be more appropriate. I was just lying down for a nap this afternoon when there were about three "trembles" as though someone heavy was running up the stairs, but without the noise. Then there was a stronger, longer one that rattled the pictures (and the bed). It was like a helicopter flying low, or someone using heavy machinery on the house - all without the expected noise level. I thought it might be dad, who was downstairs, but he hadn't done anything (or felt anything). Then my brother range from the other side of town - he'd felt it too. I think we felt it because we were a story up in a wooden house - more movement. Lots of people felt nothing if they were in solid buildings like shopping centres. It turned out to be south east of us & measured 5.4 on the richter scale. I haven't heard of any damage anywhere yet.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Head hurts, tired, haven't been able to access my files all day and the IT people haven't got back to me since I called at 2pm. I'm also about 3 days behind in the amount of work I have to get done by tomorrow afternoon. The 2 most important ones require me being able to access my files.

Monday, April 04, 2011

SIMS Medieval - more addictive than chocolate

I bought it on Saturday. I played it for 5 hours on Sunday. So far only one of the fatal flaws has actually been annoying. Gambling. My knight constantly loses. Actually, she tends to fail at everything. Though I did make her last. Perhaps its because I made her last and was rather fatigued. Screen shots will follow now I've thought of it. Now off to play again. I only works 10.5 hours straight today - plenty of energy :)