Thursday, March 29, 2007

How do I?

I have to ask my microbial home brewing collegues how they make non-alcoholic ginger beer. My parents used to make it - till they got sick of clearing up the broken glass - so I could ask them too. I know someone who is making a recipe that will turn alcoholic if left long enough (so its all about temperatures and ingredients and time)and he wants to ensure it's alcohol free before he hands bottles over to minors. I suggested he could get one of those breast milk alcohol strip kits that were on TV the other night. They might work with ginger beer too. You'd need to test it with some positive and negative ginger beer controls first.
Maybe I could do a troll through the web and try a bunch of recipes myself. I've always wanted to make ginger beer (in plastic bottles) and its a very microbiologist thing to do. Any favourite recipes anyone?

Monday, March 26, 2007

milestones ticking over

My thesis came back.

Minor repairs only which do not require the examiners to see the thesis again.

I am somewhat chuffed. I will be more so when the repairs are done, it is signed off and I have a certificate declaring me to be a Doctor in my hot little hand.

Then I'm off to a new world of explaining "No, I'm not that sort of Doctor and I don't want to look at the boil on your butt." Of course, if they want to show me an infected pustule, that might be a different story.

Stay tuned.

Oh, and the renovations went well. I decided to leave the ceiling till Tuesday as I didn't want to work around dropcloths while working on fiddly window sills that require me to stand on benches. I did the ceiling cutting in though. Next job is to sand and repaint the bathroom ceiling, but I want to get a good high gloss ceiling paint for that. So much mould and moisture.

editted because for some reason I forgot I'd spent Saturday painting.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Yes, the HepA jab was worse than the fluvax. Several days of worse. I didn't mow on Monday because it was very sore by the time I got home. I had trouble sleeping on Monday night because I sleep on my side...either one. If both your arms hurt due to jabs, you sleep on neither one. By Tuesday the pain had gone down enough to mow. For some reason I was completely wired on Tuesday so instead of mowing 1/2 the lawn and wanting to find a reason to stop, I got the whole lot done and thought "Oh, I've run out of lawn to mow". Then I was wide awake Tuesday night. Ditto Wednesday, I should have gone for an evening walk because I was still pumped. This morning I've crashed. I'd blame the 2 days of adrenalin and lack of sleep, but this is how I felt last Thursday too. Maybe theres some deeper cause.

I haven't been overeating (read lots of junkfood) lately because my appetite has been low (anxiety is good for something)but I still haven't lost weight in spite of that and doing a lot of running around all day.

This weekend I too am doing renovations - sanding the window sills in the kitchen and repainting them, washing the ceiling and repainting it.

Yup...thats about it.

Monday, March 19, 2007


One doctors appointment and 2 vaccinations later. I have had a jab in each arm. I'd just like to say that the after effects of the fluvax are so far less that that of the HepA booster. I'm planning on mowing the lawn this afternoon. I may not get much of it done. I may also be much sorer tomorrow.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


I've had a lot of broken sleep lately, waking up early and all that. Last night I went to bed really tired at 10:30pm and woke up when I was woken up at 7:10am. I slept the night through. The reason? I forgot to open my window and I had my door shut. It was oxygen deprivation. I must try that more often, though I am still sleepy right now.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

This is the painting I bought in PNG

as well as the computer it now sits above.

Friday, March 09, 2007

mmm...I want...but I won't

These leave my hand carved and polished D6 dice for dead

the lack of plan making

I'm going to Britain in July. I think for three weeks. I'll be visiting my brother. I keep thinking of things I'd like to do while I'm there, but it will be the height of the tourist season, so if I want to go places, I'll have to make sure I'm booked in advance. I've booked the flight over, but not back yet (Saturday 14th July, flying SwissAir out of Cairns).

The problem is; In a very un-Jenny like state, I don't want to make plans, I don't want to know exactly what I'm doing and make bookings for things. I want to be spontaneous and just turn up on whim. This is not like me at all. I feel torn between actually doing something about having accomodation/transport to go the places and do the things I want to (my usual preferred holiday plan of attack), and just cruising along (never done it before...except maybe in Tassie when we tended to go...where does this road go? But even then, we had back up plans and some clue).