Tuesday, January 31, 2006

animal picture 2

This is my favourite pic, the second of the suicidal echidnas. After I took this shot, it curled up in a ball because it didn't like the flash.

animal picture 1

here is the skink Dr Clam was commenting on

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

hmm, I thought I'd be sabre

At least, thats what the questions made me think

what kind of fencer are you

You are an epee fencer.

Epee is a weapon of deceit and guile. You tend to take your time and counter-attack. You can touch your opponent anywhere at any time.
What Kind of Fencer Are You?
What Kind Of Fencer Are You?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Animals I saw on my holiday

lots of wallabies
two echidnas - both suicidally crossing roads, confident in their ability to take out the tyres of anyone foolish enough not to swerve
multiple birds
a snake crossing my path that turned and reared at me as though to strike as I moved away from it. Discussion with a Tasmanian has resulted in a probable identification as a tiger snake, aggressive and quite venomous. That could have been the end of my holiday then and there.
marsupial mice
a skink
hmm there were probably more but they elude me

Monday, January 23, 2006

been on Holidays

Back. many pictures (1.6Gb worth). lots done. write soon.

I'm now updating my exit seminar (or pre-completion seminar as it is now called) and making a decision about whether I want to say I'd be willing to do full time job for first semester to teach some of 2nd year micro. I would, I've just never lectured before. I will sleep on it. If I say yes, it will then have to go higher to be approved anyway.