Wednesday, September 30, 2009

storage woes

My Lotro characters have bulging pockets that are terribly unorganised...pretty much like my own storage at home. I spent all evening fiddling with it last night (the Lotro stuff that is) logging in and out between watching TV. I don't think its improved any...perhaps I'll have another shot on Thursday - or i could just sell it all. I would be selling my own stuff if I got organised enough too.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

chipmonk eyes

I am suspicious that the decaf coffee I was given at 8:30 last night was not actually decaf - I was still eyes wide open at 1am. Then I had to get up before 7am. The previous night I had stayed up waaay too late killing dragons in Carn Dum. At least I have the gratifyingly sunken and darkly circled eyes of the sleep deprived. I hate it when I feel awful but look fine - there's just no sympathy.

Monday, September 21, 2009

And in recognition of the 19th...Arrgh

My pirate name is:

Captain Jenny Bonney

Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from
part of the network


Still haven't put photos I intended to on here.

I also have a cold - for which I'm blaming Lexifabs plague ridden blog.
I have a bunch of jobs at home that aren't done - which I'm not blaming LOTRO or champions online for (though I probably should).
I also have a bunch of jobs at work that aren't done for which I'm blaming focusing entirely on writing lectures. I now have two weeks to catch up (and write more lectures). Today I will be doing only catch up stuff. Tomorrow I'll start writing again I think.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

not a great start to the day

At work at 7:30am for an 8am lecture. Open up my brand new fresh coffee beans and the top comes off the packet so the packet drops - coffee beans on the floor. Set up my dripolator and start reading the lecture - look back and theres coffee all over my coffee table (aka filing cabinet). The top seal on the coffee (which is there to keep the heat in and should pop down automatically when you put the coffee pot in the dripolator) hadn't popped down - so the coffee had run out over the now sealled lid of the coffee pot. Cleaned up and on a second run through the same beans now - not as good as it could have been.

I'm definitely not doing any lab work today.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Champions online - death by rubberbanding

Two days after mentioning I might try this new superhero game, a late birthday present now I'm very tired.

The character make up is awesome...I spend at least an hour on each one. 30 seconds to pick a power, then 59 minutes and 30 seconds to get the cheekbones, toenails, insect wings and colour scheme juuust right.

It was ok on day one once I got past the intro screen freezing my computer because zone alarm blocked the game. The game itself in the first section looks very comic booky - which is realistic I guess. My Gold Dragon character sort of makes my eyes bleed to look at her in the sunlighty bits.

I even got my head round the movement controls - sort of. Day two I gave up due to terminal rubberbanding. No-one else seemed to have problems but my character ended up dead due to not being able to run away or fight back. I may check it again tonight and see how it is.

Characters so far:
Hawk blade (female martial artist in pink and white with hawk wings, tail and a head crest)
Dark lightning (male darkness skill, all in shiny metallic black with blue lightning motifs and
a cape and scarf over his face)
Precious Horde: Golden humanoidish type dragon with green trim - she lopes along on all fours rather than running
Tiffany (blonde gadgeteer with pigtails and wearing a green plaid skirt and jacket over a purple shirt, with purple shoes and spectacles)

Edit: tried it - rubberbanding up the wazoo. Tried again this morning and its fine - hope that means they've fixed it and not "won't be able to play in the evenings 'cause it just doesn't work then"