Wednesday, July 03, 2013

annnd here are the gingerbread men

I shall actually eat one shortly - I forgot to take them to work today
mmm cookie.

Monday, July 01, 2013

posting due to poking

It was pointed out to me the other day that I had not posted since...hmm..ahem..May 11.  This was because I have been in the busiest time of my year.  The worst is over, I see light at the end of the tunnel.  No wait, its an oncoming train..maybe.  Anyhoo., its a local public holiday today and I only spent mumble 2 mumble hours at work and am now avoiding the marking I brought home.  Procrastination Away!
LAst night I made delicious rasberry and chocolate macarons - a big success - see below.  Today I'm off to make icing to decorate those gingerbread men I bought after Easter and haven't had time to make yet.  Photos of that to follow - if I remember

On another note, I bought myself a lucky dip from avon - always something interesting in it.  This time it was hair extensions...see below. longest hair I've ever had.