Monday, August 31, 2009

tax return spent

on Frivolous Wii game and now Wii mat.
Of course, I'd just done my knee so I can't use the mat properly till I can put weight on the right leg

Monday, August 24, 2009

tired, sore and a cough

The cough is really bugging me. The tired is a combination of not enough sleep and disgustingly early mornings caused by lectures. The sore is all my own fault. I bought a Wii on the weekend - with sports games. On day one I had a Wii age of 78. On day 2 it was 38. I blame ignorance of the rules for day 1 results....but the soreness seems to match

Thursday, August 13, 2009

relaxing in front of the fire in the Inn league headquarters

Bindy, having finally got to level 60, has also got enough cred with the Inn league to get into their secret Lair in Michel Delving. And very nice it is too. I shall attach pics at some time. I managed to buy a new dance move in there and only need some more festival tokens and and a trophy skin to get an animal trophy either smoking a pipe or wearing a silly hat. It would be a great place to meet up...oh wait, no-one I know has managed to get the cred yet.
On other related issues - Bindy is lvl 60 now and its an odd sensation to know if you do quests, you'll get no XP, yet I still have a bunch of deeds and those legendary weapons still get XP, so it will probably keep me working on him.

Anyhoo, back to my huge, real workload

Thursday, August 06, 2009

The house

Has a new roof...just waiting on the gutters.

They turned up and put up scaffolding. 2 days later some guys arrived before dawn. At 7 am on the 24th July they came in and had the roof off before morning tea and a new on by lunch time. They left and arrived a week later and did the final trimming. The scaffolder arrived yesterday and took the scaffolding down. Now we wait for the guttering guy to turn up and our house will have a completely new roof. Then, of course, the very, very, very big bill will arrive.


I have some very big jobs to start, but a lot of not quite finished things that have been put aside during the first two nightmare weeks of lecturing. I'm dithering a bit finishing these off and trying to decide which ones should still be left till after I've done the big jobs. This is because I did a 60+ hour week last week and I'm not really up to jumping in both feet into the big jobs yet. It doesn't help that there's so many smaller, half finished jobs that I keep finding new ones...and some of them have more important deadlines than others. So right now I'm dithering, scrounging through my desk, sorting the order of the things to do, looking over lists, trying to get all of them in my head and in some sort of priority. Add to that trying not to take my eye too far off the ball regarding the big jobs with deadlines that are coming up.

Its an odd sensation, alternately relaxing with paper shuffling and having mild anxiety spurts regarding deadlines.