Saturday, January 23, 2010

1 week down

I'm now one week into work and still haven't got through all my Monday stuff - not unexpected. My brother has left to go back to sunny Scotland and now I have the cooler room and more comfy bed back - ah. In spite of reading the late Christmas present that Andrea sent last night (thanks Andrea, one of my favourite authors) I feel wide awake this morning , ready to:

mow the lawn
take back the wii remote that's playing up
hunt for some sort of paint spray that seals in rust for the front fence
sell some cook books
copy some VCR's to DVD

but first, a little lotro - heh heh heh

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Its Thursday,
I still haven't got to some of the things I thought would be done on Monday. I haven't looked at my own research yet (though that may happen today). I have talked to 3 research students though :) and they are all doing something now.
Its been rather hot, my bed is not as comfortable as the one I sleep in when my little brother isn't visiting and I haven't been getting my afternoon nanna nap that was a mainstay of my I'm a little sleepy.
Its been 34oC at 9:30pm at night in my room and then 32oC the next morning - I need a better fan, or aircon.

I think I need to write a list of the gear I need to get my research going and then go find it. I ordered it all a year ago thinking I'd have time then, so its sat around, being shifted everytime the lab moves/fridges fail etc and now I have to find it all again :( I hope its all still in date.

On more fun news, this is my brothers last night here so we're going to the strand - I must remember to wear walking shoes for the long stroll after dinner to the icecream shop.

Monday, January 18, 2010

aaaand back

Back at work, too much to do - 9:30am and I've already had 4 people poke their heads through the door to see me.

No blogging recently as my brother has been home from Scotland for the first time in 10 years. We've been going out a lot and also ripping out the front fence and replacing it in a straight format.

Barbeques on the strand with plate sized t-bones, curries, pastas and roo dinners...Dougs cooking. Michel's mmm, Hervey's range tea house for cat poo coffee, Charters towers for lunch, lots of going out for coffee in the morning. Naps in the afternoon. Movie watching at night. Playing the Wii (and getting thrashed at boxing)...hmm I'm sure there's more, but I must focus on work now :(

Friday, January 01, 2010

What I did on my holidays

Today I went through 10 years of superannuation and receipts paperwork and files most of it in the shredder. The back room is almost clear enough for my brother to sleep in when he arrives, the front room is still a pigsty but I do have a pile of stuff in there ready for a trip to the salvos. I cut the ham I bought this Christmas for lunch today - mmm smoked ham.
I've been playing with a new high pressure water hose. If it hadn't been so saturated here the last few days I'd be out spraying foam on the house and cleaning it properly. The squelchy weather turns me off a bit. I mowed last week and the grass is higher now than it was when I mowed. I'm not looking forward to the first mow when it gets dry enough
I figured out what my dedunk error was on my computer - I think - and can deal with it fine now - its the card reader slots - they have an attached USB port which is probably what causes the error. I just disengage when the error first turns up and its all fine.
I spent the afternoon tanking for a group of 5 in Carn Dum and only died once.

I'm sure I've done more than this in the last few days...its something of a blur.