Monday, June 27, 2005

I was having a good weekend...

Then my budgie made a mad dash for freedom. I was cleaning out the cage and while my back was turned Marc Antony slipped under the gap and vanished. When I turned back he was gone. My father thaought he'd seen something out the front and sure enough I saw the budgie fly onto a palm tree across the road. When I went over he wouldn't come down to me. We tried bringing the other budgie cage over and me eating a piece of bread (which usually results in budgie feet all over my toast in the moring if I'm not careful). Nothing worked. Then the wind blew, the palm frond fluttered, he slipped off and flew off into the sunset.
He hasn't come back. I'm told they don't if they get out, but he was so tame I was hoping when he got hungry he'd come home to eat. I left out cages with the door open and food inside, nothing so far. It's pretty cold and wet out today though. If he hasn't been eaten by a hawk and he isn't completely lost by now (a distinct possibility) he might come home. It's not like he'll find a mate, there aren't budgies around Townsville at the moment. Mum says I should ring up 4TO and put in a lost pet advert.
I'm also looking after a baby chicken right now - I'm calling him/her Solo, as she/he was the only one to hatch out of a batch in the incubator at uni. When it's big enough it will join the flock out here - or be lunch, depending on whether its a boy or a girl.
the big prize spending
I've spent more of my prize money. I ate $20 worth of salmon steaks over the weekend mmmmm yum. I had about 4 meals out of it. I also got myself a new pair of knee high leather boots. My old vinyl boots are dead and these are very nice corelli boots which were on a 50% off sale too :)

So some of my weekend was great and some was just a fizzer. I'm so conflicted.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

My shopping list

Given that I probably won't be able to get a car CD player from Target, I have developed something of a list of options, in no particular order they are;

Deluxe facial from Elle Bache
MP3 player with voice record function
cappuccino maker - one of the girls at uni got a sunbeam one for ~$160 from target that got a big thumbs up from her barista friend
salmon fillets
swanky dress from one of the expensive shops I usually just look in from the outside
leather knee high boots (I'm partial to boots and my last pair self destructed this year)
the biggest box of chocolates from Darryl Lea :)....

How much did I get again? Thats at least $500 worth to pick from and I got $300. Feel free to add to my list if you think of something cool that the Willows will sell.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

It was a good weekend while it lasted

In spite of having to come out to uni on Monday to set up some experiments, I had a good long weekend. It started with a hens night on Friday involving much gourmand pizza making. I have discovered that artichoke hearts on pizza is yummy and calabrese salami really is the best pizza salami. I also made dessert pizza (or desert pizza as I mentioned to Amanda). You get a base, pour chocolate sauce over it then jelly lollies and marshmallows, then cook till marshmallows are brown and spread over pizza. There were many complements.
The weekend continued with me winning $300 worth of shopping vouchers at the Willows cent sale. I will go out today and pick them up. I still haven't decided what to buy, I do need a new CD player in the car, but I don't know if they have such things at the Willows. What I will be buying are some salmon fillets to celebrate..yum yum.
Then my parents came home form their overseas trip and I have been feeding them while they are jet lagged. Last night I cooked a whole barramundi that I had in the freezer. Delicious, melt in your mouth mmmm. I think theres enough for two more meals :). They also brought me home thorntons chocolates, my favourite brand.
Hmm, I think my whole weekend was food related. No wonder it was great :D