Thursday, April 27, 2006

lecture virgin no more

I have given my first lecture for microbiology. DNA replication in bacteria in review. It only lasted 30 minutes, but this is good as it was supposed to be the shortest lecture of the series. The students appeared to be paying attention and I got several down the front afterwards.

I'm about to go off and give the second lecture; Protein synthesis. I'll be using my own laptop this time. More about the new laptop later...when I have time to drool and don't need to be over at the maths physics building.


Anonymous said...

So did you spend time actually looking at the audience, noticing which ones were actually playing World of Warcraft on their laptops? Or were they all just a blur of people?


Jenny said...

Heh, there was someone in the first lecture who turned a laptop on...but there's no wireless connection in that lecture theatre, so probably not. Every now and then I look at the audience, but I don't take anything in...even when they ask questions, all I notice is male or female