Monday, September 25, 2006

World Peace

On Friday night I was playing with one of those little electronic 20 question gadgets. The annoying little thing got all my objects right, so I decided to stump it by having "World Peace" as my thing to guess. After about 25 questions, it guessed "Is it a fart?". We now have a new name for farts in our house. Example: "After a dinner of fried beans, there's a lot of world peace in the room"

On related note, my mother has a a pet St Andrews Cross spider. It lives outside the back door and my mum has named it Crossandra. A while back Crossandra had a man friend on a web right next door. Later, she ate him and proceeded to increase in size. We were eagerly awaiting the babies but this morning she was back to her normal size with no sign of babies or egg sack. I suggested that maybe it had just been world peace.

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