Friday, October 13, 2006

did I do a good thing?

First a disclaimer; I've never gotten round to reading Lovecraft, I've played the game, but I've never read his books.

I was showing Kathy an online t-shirt company and as one of the themes was Cthulu, I had to explain the concept (at least - of the game, as I haven't read the books) & she said they might be interesting to read. I did a quick online search of the JCU library and there's tonnes of stuff, including one with Call of Cthulu and other stories. So off she went to borrow out a couple. She's 1/2 way through the first book and enjoying it.

Why is this blog worthy you say? Little did I know when I looked up the book online, but Kathy has not read a novel without being forced to do so since primary school. So depending on your point of view, I've either introduced another person to the mind broadening subculture of readers or I've corrupted her and am dragging her away from productive work. (and I haven't even read this author).

1 comment:

Dave said...

They're written in a very old-fashioned, wordy (some would say impenetrably purple) prose style, but I do enjoy dipping into them. Lovecraft is all about the atmosphere and imagery, and if you can get past the narrators invariably screeching "They're coming through the walls! They're eating me! Eyaagh!..." at the end of every story, you can occasionally evoke some genuine disquiet, if not actual fear.

Reminds me to dip back into them again myself...