Thursday, August 13, 2009

relaxing in front of the fire in the Inn league headquarters

Bindy, having finally got to level 60, has also got enough cred with the Inn league to get into their secret Lair in Michel Delving. And very nice it is too. I shall attach pics at some time. I managed to buy a new dance move in there and only need some more festival tokens and and a trophy skin to get an animal trophy either smoking a pipe or wearing a silly hat. It would be a great place to meet up...oh wait, no-one I know has managed to get the cred yet.
On other related issues - Bindy is lvl 60 now and its an odd sensation to know if you do quests, you'll get no XP, yet I still have a bunch of deeds and those legendary weapons still get XP, so it will probably keep me working on him.

Anyhoo, back to my huge, real workload

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