Monday, November 16, 2009

Subject to change without notice

This is my list of things to do during my holidays. I will be editing as I remember things, decide not to do things etc

To do
*repair tumbler (only been trying to get to this since July)
*get ebay account and sell some stuff (only been trying to get to this since 2 years ago)
*make Buche de Noel with Dot - this is the "oh we've eaten too much so we'll just have a little slice to be there any more? perhaps thirds?" cake I have made in previous years
*clean up my back bedroom so that visitors can actually sleep there
*play RPG with A & C
*Post Andreas Christmas present
*look for cool Birthday presents for Dad, Doug, Andrea
*play lots and lots of online RPG's
*finish scrapbooking my tazzy trip, do skiing trip

edit 18/11/09
*rest - as instructed by Andrea

edit 26/11/09
*sew up curtain hems

Wouldn't it be nice to do
catch a flight to brisbane and go shopping for a couple of days


Andrea said...

Jenny's To Do:

*Rest, dammit!

Andrea's To Do:

*Mail presents which have been slowly collected through the year.
*Weed overgrown garden.
*Play "Dragon Age: Origins" (successor to Baldur's Gate, very addictive).

Unknown said...

This seems a very virtuous list! And it's a good idea, which I should steal.