Friday, April 16, 2010

Going south, Hemorrhaging money

I had been wincing slightly at the ~$2000 it will cost me to got to Melbourne in September for 5 days of WorldCon...roll on Science fiction :D
Then I added up what it will cost me to go to Sydney for a week in July to get to a conference that will be very useful for my research work (and teaching)...$3500. I'm not even leaving the country! It doesn't help that registration for this event is $1000 and I'll have to stay 7 nights in Darling Harbour area so I can network efficiently after conference hours. Its the general consensus that if you stay a long way away from the conference, you miss out on the most useful part - making contacts. Otherwise I'd be angling for that fold out couch of Andrea's. At least I don't have to pay for Sydney from my own pocket, just my own research pocket.


Andrea said...

Hey, it would only take you an hour and a half to get to Darling Harbour from my couch! :D

Jenny said...

mmm - 3 hour round trip. On an up note, I'm pretty sure I can find time to have hot chocolate at the Lindt coffeee shop :)

Andrea said...

That sounds cool to me. Toss me an email the day before you want to go.