Across the side of my left hand. Now I can't do anything weight bearing with my hand. Typing is done with just my middle finger...don't know how gaming will go.
I pulled a ring pull lid off a can of salmon at lunch and it unexpectedly released more on one side than the other so I swung the sharp edge across my hand. A 1.5cm long and 5mm deep laceration resulted. Kind of puts me off tinned salmon.
I waited in emergency for 2 hours, fortunately with a well bandaged hand. When the nurse took the bandage off to check if it needed stitching (as there was a long queue and I wasn't very high up it if it didn't need stitching) it started bleeding nicely again, but it had mainly stopped when the doctor called me 10 minutes later.
He started cleaning it before putting local in - which made the rather painful local seem relatively mild :) I think that might have been a clever psychological trick.
Now I can't get it wet for a week, need to change my bandage twice a day and get stitches out in a week. The pharmasist siad take pain killers as soon as it starts to throb or they won't work as well. One of my co-workers said to take some before bed so I don't wake up in pain.
These are the first stitches I've ever had not under a general (I had my wisdom teeth out under general).
I am amazed though, with your brothers, that you didn't have any stitches as a child... I think I had stitches on about four occasions before I started high school...
I cam close a couple of times, but my brothers generally used blunt objects.
Also, my mother cut up my steak for me last night...it was that or eat it with one hand, tearing bits off with my mouth. Somewhat embarrassing.
Ouch! I hope it's not your book-holding hand!
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