Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Oh...really..that was unexpected

Yesterday I went to see an ophthalmologist about an itchy eye that hadn't really gone away for a year. I was concerned that I had something in my eyelid scratching my eye. I can also see a strip across my eye when looking down a microscope. The doctor couldn't see anything and thought it best to refer me on to someone with better equipment. The expert told me I have an allergy response, that might not be to anything specific & I can take drops. He then had a look for the strip and didn't find it, so its probably floaters or something like that.

Oh, and by the way, while looking he also found the tear in my retina, a precursor to my retina detaching. so 1/2 an hour later I was sitting in front of a laser having laser eye surgery to fix it!

The phrase "dodged a bullet" was mentioned.


Andrea K Höst said...

Wow - is "glad to hear that" the appropriate thing to say? Lucky catch, at least.

Dr Clam said...

Ouch! Good to hear :)

Cornelius Gallows said...

Alarming! Glad that story had a happy ending.