Monday, June 26, 2006

didn't I mention that?

One of my cousins was emailing me asking how things were. I thought "why isn't she reading my blog? Didn't I tell her about it?" Apparently - No, I didn't. She'd also never heard of them.
When I mentioned this to my mother she said "You never told me you had a blog." .....oops.

I have now passed on the address to my mother and am anticipating comments of a cringeworthy motherly type. Not because my mother is actually like that, but she has a warped sense of humour. Hi mum, Luv ya.


Marco Parigi said...

If your mother is like my mother, she won't put a comment, because that would show her hand. Mind you, decades of snooping in me and my brother's stuff, reading our diaries surrupticiously, means that it is just continuining a trend of: She wants to know all about what I'm doing, but she doesn't want me to know that she knows.

Jenny said...

she actually did comment, just on another post. I'm not sure she's quite got the hang of the protocol of blogs yet.