Monday, May 11, 2009

Shades of Tolkien!

While watching Midsommer Murders on Friday night, I suddenly realised that the protagonist was played by a young Orlando Bloom..."Hey!" I said to everyone in the room "thats the elf from Lord of the Rings!". "Surely not" they said. But the credits proved me right. (he was skewered by a pitchfork btw.)
The really weird bit was where the killer turned out to be a resident of a property called Lothlorien. The coppers even commented on knowing your lord of the rings content.

So - zero degrees of separation there I think.


Andrea said...

He was playing a particularly unlikeable little twat, too. Legolas would have blushed...

Jenny said...

Yes, my cousin kept saying "it can't be him. My lovely elf wouldn't behave like that"