Monday, June 01, 2009

Andrea comes up trumps

I spent a fair bit of time on the weekend near and on the Bitter Stair in LOTRO. It was, as Andrea said, a good place to earn moola. Of course all of this is gone now due to crafting expences for my alts - greedy little things, but at least they are moving up the ranks and earning crafting rep. On another nice note - I got about 6 recipes that my alts didn't have off the bitter stair people. Roll on Burgundy coloured clothes :D

In addition I realised I have still got animal deeds to do in the area, so I've been alternating the stair and killing snowbeasts etc. Only about 300 of each bear, worm and snowbeast to go to get my deeds completely done :) Then I have to go back to goblin town and finish off the 'find this place' quests there - Bilbo left some buttons behind apparently.


Andrea said...

Wish I could play at the moment, but my hard drive melted (second melted hard drive in a single year). Hopefully replacement will go okay.

Chris Fellows said...

Aieee! I feel your pain Andrea. :(

And hmm, I need to go back and get Bilbo's buttons, in two incarnations now...

But I actually logged on to let you know that the form with the learning outcomes for the unit CHEM 400 (Honours in Chemistry) which I coordinate, came back for me to do again... apparently they do not meet the criteria required by academic board. :(

CHEM 400 Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this unit, the student will be able to:

1. keep their head when all about them are losing theirs and blaming it on them

2. trust themselves when all men doubt them, but make allowance for their doubting too

3. wait and not be tired by waiting

4. be lied about, but not deal in lies

5. be hated, but not give way to hating

6. dream -and not make dreams their master

7. think and not make thoughts their aim

8. meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same

9. bear to hear the truth they've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools

10. watch the things they gave their life to broken, and stoop and build them up with wornout tools

11. force their heart and nerve and sinew to serve their turn long after they are gone

12. talk with crowds and keep their virtue

13. fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds' worth of distance run

Jenny said...

Ouch! bad hard drive! do you have an external backup or do you lose everything?

Also bad Chris, messing with the heads of your academic board. But funny, I showed it to another academic who thought it was just grand.

Andrea said...

Fortunately it failed over a couple of weeks, so I bought an external hard drive and copied it onto it - and now have installed a new internal drive and am slowly reinstalling all my programs. $75 for 500 gigs - nice and cheap. ;)