Friday, January 01, 2010

What I did on my holidays

Today I went through 10 years of superannuation and receipts paperwork and files most of it in the shredder. The back room is almost clear enough for my brother to sleep in when he arrives, the front room is still a pigsty but I do have a pile of stuff in there ready for a trip to the salvos. I cut the ham I bought this Christmas for lunch today - mmm smoked ham.
I've been playing with a new high pressure water hose. If it hadn't been so saturated here the last few days I'd be out spraying foam on the house and cleaning it properly. The squelchy weather turns me off a bit. I mowed last week and the grass is higher now than it was when I mowed. I'm not looking forward to the first mow when it gets dry enough
I figured out what my dedunk error was on my computer - I think - and can deal with it fine now - its the card reader slots - they have an attached USB port which is probably what causes the error. I just disengage when the error first turns up and its all fine.
I spent the afternoon tanking for a group of 5 in Carn Dum and only died once.

I'm sure I've done more than this in the last few days...its something of a blur.

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