Monday, April 02, 2007

The Tsunami Warning

..has eased. Apparently we are not going to be hit by a tsunami caused by the earthquake in the Solomons. Apparentlyt some government employees were sent home from Pallarenda this morning before the confirmation from Willis Island came through. I came in to work this morning and someone said "have you heard anything more about the tsunami that is supposed to hit us?" My response "Tsunami...what tsunami...aren't we supposed to hear about these things?"


Marco Parigi said...

I remember exactly the first thing I did on hearing the warning - Checked my watch: The 2nd of April is too late for April fool's day jokes, but Hawaii was on the other side of the dateline, but still just after noon. Yep, this warning was for real. 75 cm measured rise ("wave") at Cooktown apparently, and 25-30 cm in Townsville, as it turned out.

Jenny said...

There was a marine biologist in Cairns who took his profession seriously and went to the marina to measure and monitor the tsunami (prior to knowing it was going to fizzle). Putting his life on the line for his research