Monday, May 28, 2007


I also went to see Pirates 3 with Dot on the weekend. There were two guys from work there (separately, with their kids). Odd how we all ended up at the same session at the same theatre. Long movie, I had to nip out 1/2 way through to use the loo. I have trained my bladder not to need to do that during normal length movies. I just about fell over the two people between me and the aisle. They were large and slouched down so that their knees touched the seat in front. No room to put my little footsies. I was expecting a slightly different end, though I could see exactly what was going to happen at a certain point and thought "What! that not how this is supposed to end!" But it was a good ending. Sit all the way through the very looonng credits to see the epilogue.

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