Monday, May 14, 2007

..since I'm having coffee at my computer instead of in the tea room...

I may as well get this thing up to date. I'm sitting here as the tearoom is quiet and boring at present and there are some cakes in there. I decided I needed to cut back and today I am officially dieting, so I'm staying away from temptation.
Yesterday Kris and I took our mums up to the Harveys Range heritage tea house for lunch and Kopi Luwak coffee. It was strong, smooth and very nice. It reminded me of some of the coffees I've tried up at the coffee place near Kuranda - who's name I can't recall. So now I've tried civet coffee and can strike it off my list of things to do. Onto the next
Speaking of things to do, I'm going to Britain from 24th June to 20th July. I'm spending a week in York (since everyone I know who goes there says they didn't spend enough time there)and the rest of the time my little brother has time off from work so he'll be showing me around. I'll be staying with his mother-in-law while I'm there - except for the York bit. I'm trying to get accomodation at a B&B called Bootham Guesthouse. We'll see if I left it too long to book it. If I did, it'll be back to the drawing board. I'm holidaying during the peak season.
What else have I done recently...Oh yes, I took my mother to see Hot Fuzz. I didn't realise how much swearing and violence would be in it. "Diehard meets Heartbeat" didn't give me enough clues as a description. When the church spire-y thing fell pointy end down through the head of one of the characters and his "head replaced by stone pyramid" body staggered a bit before falling, I sank in my seat a bit. She did think overall that it was funny though.

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