Monday, November 29, 2004

Champing at the bit

I meant to go swimming again on Thursday, but an experiment ran long and I didn't leave Uni till 7:30pm - 1/2 an hour after the pool closed. I'm going back tonight - all excited. As expected, chapter 5 is nowhere near finished and I'm writing this instead of that right now. I'm making the excuse that I'm having a planning day and getting everything organised for the rest of the week - when i won't have much time to write either - thesis of doom.
I have taken stock and decided I have gained way too much weight. shorts that were getting loose are now getting tight, I may have to buy a bike (and actually ride it), swim and hike up castle hill at least once a week (preferably twice)....and of course stop eating a chocolate bar/bag of lollies a day - where did my self control go?
On the weekend I did hike up the goat track on castle hill - now I have a sore butt. I also ate quite healthily. I did spent most of the weekend housesitting in airconditioning while watching cable on a metre wide TV...but I did climb castle hill.

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