Monday, November 15, 2004

money money money

In an idle moment today I thought I might do a web search on the availability of all the DVD box sets of series I collect and see how much is currently out there (too busy over the last 3 months to look in the shops) . Not including the 2 seasons of Stargate which will be released before April next year (~$180), there is about $600 worth of box sets I'd like to buy. While I'm at it, I need a new bike and don't want the cheap and nasty price range of Kmart $99 - so think another $250-300). My job finishes at the end of December...maybe I should hold off and have something to live on after that till a new job crops up.


Dr Clam said...

That's a really dull post, Jenny. What's wrong with your old bike? Tell us about all its horrible breakdowns and the misery and incovenience they have caused you, that would be more exciting. Maybe it is being recalled because it is made out of an illegal toxic-waste composite? That would be exciting, though obviously not true.
Or you could tell us interesting bits of trivia about the boxed sets of DVDs you want to buy, like, say, that the voice of Captain Osmium in the "Tetragonal Rodent Heroes" series is provided by that girl who used to be in the Sultana Bran commercials.

Jenny said...

My creativity is being sapped by my PhD. By the time I have designed experiments, explained odd results and written it up in interesting ways, there nothing left. I feel creatively wizened.