Monday, January 24, 2005

rain drops keep falling on my head

Its been raining here since Thursday. I was house sitting and decided to water the it started raining. The ground has finally been saturated (after three days of constant rain) and the pools are building up. On Saturday we put all the important things under the house up on bricks but we are yet to flood. I'm expecting that tonight. Everything is a little clammy, my sheets feel like they haven't dried properly even though I didn't wash them. On an up note, everything smells nice, its cool and I'm sleeping well.
I've just had two cups of coffee and a philosophical discussion. I'm all perked up and am ready to start writing chapter 5 again.


Anonymous said...

Jenny, you've been ready to write chapter 5 for about 4 months by my calculations.


Jenny said...

Well...yes... but I have actually been writing it during that time. Intermittantly and with much hair pulling and rewriting. I'm hoping that I have enough preparation in place that the next two chapters won't take any more than a month each to write, otherwise I'm really going to be dragging out this PhD. On an up note, I think I've finally got my head around what I want to say for chapter 5, so it should flow a bit better now.