Monday, May 09, 2005


I have a new juicer and went to the markets yesterday to buy some fruit and veg. So far I've tried apple and carrot and apple carrot and rockmelon - yum, also easy to clean. I was going to try beetroot in there too and ginger, but I forgot to buy ginger and I've missplaced the beetroot. The juicer can also make sorbet, mince meat, make pasta and shave ice (though I think you need another attachment for that). I'm going to freeze some apple and make apple sorbet this week. I also saw a pizza maker which makes pizza in 5 minutes. I tried it - crispy on the bottom, golden on the top, gourmet style - amazing...If I had a couple of hundred dollars free I might be eating a lot of pizza.


Dave said...

Wow, I hadn't even thought of trying to shave ice with it.

Mango (and/or lime) daquairis, here I come!

Jenny said...

It makes great sorbet, though you need something with a kick like pineapple to get a good flavour without adding suger.