Monday, March 26, 2007

milestones ticking over

My thesis came back.

Minor repairs only which do not require the examiners to see the thesis again.

I am somewhat chuffed. I will be more so when the repairs are done, it is signed off and I have a certificate declaring me to be a Doctor in my hot little hand.

Then I'm off to a new world of explaining "No, I'm not that sort of Doctor and I don't want to look at the boil on your butt." Of course, if they want to show me an infected pustule, that might be a different story.

Stay tuned.

Oh, and the renovations went well. I decided to leave the ceiling till Tuesday as I didn't want to work around dropcloths while working on fiddly window sills that require me to stand on benches. I did the ceiling cutting in though. Next job is to sand and repaint the bathroom ceiling, but I want to get a good high gloss ceiling paint for that. So much mould and moisture.

editted because for some reason I forgot I'd spent Saturday painting.


Chris Fellows said...

Hiya Jenny!

I've put a link to your page from my new science-y blog. Hope you don't mind! ;)

Jenny said...

That's fine. I found your blog yesterday, from a link on someone elses blog. BTW I'm somewhat depressed about the thesis now as I've finished reading the minor fixes required and one of the examiners has a long list of fixes that will require me to think, look things up and do a fair bit of rewording for each. To make it worse, they are all things I either went "Hmm, good point" or "Bah, why didn't I think of that". No "They've missed the point, I'm not changing it"

Dave said...

Okay, so I am a little late to this party (blame sporadic-at-best review habits when it comes to blogs) but this is indeed fab news!

Congratulations on leveling up!